Why do so many people love coming to
Sandgate? Is it the people, the
proximity to the coastline, Brisbane City, airport, transport or is it the laid
back lifestyle, boating, golf, sailing, bike riding, walking, etc! Regardless, I believe the main drawcard for
those that visit is the wonderful history of our area and the character and
heritage of our homes. And why not! Back in the mid 1800’s Sandgate was
proclaimed and commenced development.
The train line started bringing people to the area and from there
Sandgate became the connection to the sea.
There was no looking back as homes started popping up and our character
was created.
With the purchase of our cottage in
Second Avenue, we have been doing some historical research to learn more about
the home. We have discovered that our
streets and landmarks were named after locals.
An example is the Avenues - the original name for First Avenue was Petty,
Second Avenue - Wilson, Third Avenue - Cooksley, Fifth Avenue – Henry and Sixth
Avenue – Tulley. There is no record of
Fourth Avenue. In 1913, there was a
change to many Sandgate street names, and another in 1938.
While our past is evident, the
future of Sandgate is where we want to look.
We saw a good number of buyers out and about at open home inspections
over the weekend. This could be due in
part to the media showing interstate markets are becoming unaffordable for the
average person. We have recently had a
number of visitors from interstate enquiring about the availability of homes in
our area.
As you drive down Second Avenue, have
a look at our new cottage and see the difference two weeks can make.